After an exciting time in Venice, we took the 545pm ferry and left Venice. Venice is definitely one of the places I love for the Italy trip. Definitely will be back, and stay longer in Venice in the future. It's time for dinner and it's Squid Ink Pasta Dinner.

For Starters, the lovely shaped bread come in all sizes. This time, the staff at the restaurant were pretty stingy of the butter pieces.

For once appetizers, we had salad. This certainly reminded me of my Turkey trip, where every meal, the first dish was always salad.

Table of 8. Weiling and Aunt joined us
Pat, Hui Ngo, Weiling & Jenny

The chef came out with his huge pot and then he started to serve each of us. Judging by his look, he must be quite used to serving such a big group - for 33 of us.

Squid Ink Pasta

This is my first time having squid Ink pasta. It tasted declicious. Soft and slimy was the first reaction. Be aware, your teeth may be filled with the colour of the pasta. Any idea do they sell such pasta in Singapore? That was the first dish of the dinner course.

The main course

Egg, Calamari and prawns
The prawns were bit small, though cripsy. The calamari was a bit soggy, yet blend it together with the egg roll, it gives a perfect combination in taste

Ice cream to end the day

After the slightly salty dishes, it's always nice to end off with something sweet. Can't beat the Italian ice cream that we been having at the cafes.
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