On 22 June 2011, I caught up with Debbie and the kids for dinner. It was nice to see my god-daughter Jane. She has grown, the little princess. Very playful yet adorable. Kate too has grown, now she can walk by herself. It's always a joy for me being with kids. Love their company. After spending some time at the playground with the kids we headed to Shin Kushiya for dinner at Vivocity.

Kate playing with her chopsticks - love this shot I took of her.
Dosen't she resemble Debbie for this shot

Ever playful Jane smiling at the camera for Pat
It's amazing how kids love to smile for me when I take photos of them.

Debbie's dinner- Shashimi with rice

Jane's Dinner - Teriyaki with rice

Dinner Time


Pat's Set Dinner - Tempura, Shashimi, soup, Vegetables

Jane's side dish - Fried Tempura and vegetables

Pat's dessert-pudding (included from her set dinner)

Pat & Debbie

Jane & Kate - Aren't they adorable

Pat & Jane
It was a lovely evening spending with Debbie and the kids. Thanks for the dinner treat. Hope Jane likes the rosary I got her from Italy. Also hope the kids love the chocolates I got for them. Look forward to catching up with all of you in August.
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