How time flies. Has it been a month since we celebrated Cara's birthday and Pat is back from her Italy trip? It's always a joy catching up with the dance babes. We make a point to catch up once a month. Even our dance teacher, Jacie knows about our monthly food sessions through facebook.
Brotzeit located at #01-27A/ 27B at 313 Somerset was where the gals gathered for the May gathering on 29 May 2011. We were sitted on the 2nd level, where it was the dinning area. The 1st level is more for drinks.
Linda with her brown necklace and the chocolates
Cara wearing the blue necklace and the Italian loot
Jo with the pink necklace looking lovely in the yellow top.
For a moment I thought she was doing a diamond ad (grin)
Linda & Cara
For a moment I thought she was doing a diamond ad (grin)
In case you are wondering why are the 3 babes displaying their necklaces. It's because Pat got the necklaces especially for the dance babes from Venice. Pat always love necklaces, especially those that are classy and elegant. If you hang out with her, notice the various necklaces she wears to match her outfits. Not really into the long, chucky necklaces though she receives such gifts, she has yet to wear them.
Linda and Joanna
Joanna & Cara
Pat & Linda (talk work/studies with us anytime)
Pat & Cara (ala the 2 tais-tais - travelling / food)
Pat & Joanna ( yes Jo has the more atas camera)
This was heavenly sinful but super delicious. It's amazing how it can be shared among the 4 of us. Lots of coordination to slice off the meat. Each of us will take turns to hold on to the meat with our fork and knife, while the other person will patiently slice off the meat. Don't forget to dip into the sauce provided.
Pat sharing the dessert with the rest of the babes
It was an enjoyable Sunday evening. Look forward to the next gathering. Cara have a great trip in June.
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